Dealing with disruptive neighbours


Everyone is entitled to live peacefully in their home regardless of where they live, or whether they rent or own a property. You're not expected to tolerate excessive noise or physical or verbal abuse from a neighbour.

If you feel your safety or the safety of others is at risk contact the police on 131 444 (or 000 in an emergency).

Disruptive behaviour

Disruptive behaviour is anything that unreasonably or repeatedly interferes with the peaceful enjoyment of your home. This can include:

Disruptive behaviour does not include:

Dealing with disruption

Talk to your neighbour first

Advice and assistance in dealing with disputes and disruption are provided by:

Keep written records

Report incidents to the right department or organisation

The property owner or body corporate manager for:

If you don't know who owns the neighbouring property you can contact your local council or access SAILIS.

SA Housing Trust for:

Your local council for:

Related information

Other websites


Child Abuse Report Line phone 131 478 - free and confidential service
Domestic Violence Crisis Service phone 1300 782 200 - free and confidential service