Any tips before I fill out QTC packet

I filled out the less important and easy ones no prob. But my "main" appt. which covers all my ortho conditions which are my referred ones and like 18 others. So any advice on fitting my life story in those short spaces?

18 nov 11-Right total hip
05 jan 12- Right thigh emergency surgery
10 mar12- Returned to 4 hour duty days
17 sep 12-Officially referred to MEB
06 mar 13-commanders letter requested
19 mar 13- CC letter completed
29 mar 13- New imagine showing 2 bad cervical discs and absolute spinal stenosis/bad right knee
22 Apr 13- First meeting with PEBLO
01 may13-VA MSC 24 claimed conditions
14 jun 13- QTC appointments complete
28 jun 13- NARSUM complete ( with errors)
2 Jul 13- Filed IMR/LOEfor NARSUM
10 Jul 13-New NARSUM with 2/3 requested conditions added/instantly signed and submitted LOE
15 Jul-13 due to sequester plus typo's that needed correction package submitted to IPEB
5 Aug-13-surgery for left hip due to collapse after THR complications+ongoing FAI issues ( I beat tricare)
16 Sep return from con leave
18 Sep officially found unfit and package forwarded to providence for rating consideration.
20 FEB 14- Recieved ratings of 60 DoD 90 VA-plan to file formal and VARR while in to correct clear errors
20 FEB 14-recieved notification SSDI was approved without going to court via an OTR request by lawyer
16 APR 14-recieved notification of judges decision for winning SSDI
18 APR 14- started permissive/terminal until 28 may/29 may official retirement


PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran

"left knee strain", "right knee strain", "lower back pain", "depression", "hearing loss", etc, etc. It does not need to be detailed. The QTC examiner will have medical records and ask questions about each claimed injury. Your MSC provides them with a copy of your service medical records.

TSgt Twitch

PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran

See, i would agree with you, but it asks specific questions, and in fact my QTC examiner called me this evening and asked me to be as detailed as possible, and if i could fax it too him so he could get a good review in before our appointment since the records he has all ready reviewed are pretty in depth, but none of it mentions how it effects me etc.

18 nov 11-Right total hip
05 jan 12- Right thigh emergency surgery
10 mar12- Returned to 4 hour duty days
17 sep 12-Officially referred to MEB
06 mar 13-commanders letter requested
19 mar 13- CC letter completed
29 mar 13- New imagine showing 2 bad cervical discs and absolute spinal stenosis/bad right knee
22 Apr 13- First meeting with PEBLO
01 may13-VA MSC 24 claimed conditions
14 jun 13- QTC appointments complete
28 jun 13- NARSUM complete ( with errors)
2 Jul 13- Filed IMR/LOEfor NARSUM
10 Jul 13-New NARSUM with 2/3 requested conditions added/instantly signed and submitted LOE
15 Jul-13 due to sequester plus typo's that needed correction package submitted to IPEB
5 Aug-13-surgery for left hip due to collapse after THR complications+ongoing FAI issues ( I beat tricare)
16 Sep return from con leave
18 Sep officially found unfit and package forwarded to providence for rating consideration.
20 FEB 14- Recieved ratings of 60 DoD 90 VA-plan to file formal and VARR while in to correct clear errors
20 FEB 14-recieved notification SSDI was approved without going to court via an OTR request by lawyer
16 APR 14-recieved notification of judges decision for winning SSDI
18 APR 14- started permissive/terminal until 28 may/29 may official retirement


PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran

See, i would agree with you, but it asks specific questions, and in fact my QTC examiner called me this evening and asked me to be as detailed as possible, and if i could fax it too him so he could get a good review in before our appointment since the records he has all ready reviewed are pretty in depth, but none of it mentions how it effects me etc.

In that case, I would say just make your own note sheets. Just put "see note 1, pg-1" and so forth in each of the small blocks, and expand your comments on the separate sheet of paper. That should give you the max space to detail everything out.

TSgt Twitch

PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran

I tried to make it clear and even attached the notes page, faxed the document (43 pages +notes) and he called me and said he got it, even if it doesn't work to my favor, at least it seems this doctor cares/is trying.

18 nov 11-Right total hip
05 jan 12- Right thigh emergency surgery
10 mar12- Returned to 4 hour duty days
17 sep 12-Officially referred to MEB
06 mar 13-commanders letter requested
19 mar 13- CC letter completed
29 mar 13- New imagine showing 2 bad cervical discs and absolute spinal stenosis/bad right knee
22 Apr 13- First meeting with PEBLO
01 may13-VA MSC 24 claimed conditions
14 jun 13- QTC appointments complete
28 jun 13- NARSUM complete ( with errors)
2 Jul 13- Filed IMR/LOEfor NARSUM
10 Jul 13-New NARSUM with 2/3 requested conditions added/instantly signed and submitted LOE
15 Jul-13 due to sequester plus typo's that needed correction package submitted to IPEB
5 Aug-13-surgery for left hip due to collapse after THR complications+ongoing FAI issues ( I beat tricare)
16 Sep return from con leave
18 Sep officially found unfit and package forwarded to providence for rating consideration.
20 FEB 14- Recieved ratings of 60 DoD 90 VA-plan to file formal and VARR while in to correct clear errors
20 FEB 14-recieved notification SSDI was approved without going to court via an OTR request by lawyer
16 APR 14-recieved notification of judges decision for winning SSDI
18 APR 14- started permissive/terminal until 28 may/29 may official retirement

TSgt Twitch

PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran

Had my main QTC appt today.

Showed up 30 minutes early, got my lab work done, ekg ht/wt eyes etc. then waited an hour past my appointment time to actually see the doctor. This was not the doctor who requested me fax him my paperwork ahead of time to do research etc. this woman was nice, well meaning but I had to keep reminding her which item she was on, what she missed etc. She did my neck range of motion and my back range of motion, but not my knee-she insisted that my "sciatica" was only possible on one side-I showed her that I had been diagnosed with bi-lateral radicukopathy and bi-lateral sciatica by 2 regular docs and 3 ER doctors. She did my prostrate exam, but while she was "back there" forgot to measure my cyst scars.and my SI joint function.

I will say she did use a goniometer on my kneck and my shoulders (which was only claimed as radiculopathy from the cervical spine compression but shrug) she did not however use one for either leg and did not even check my right knee which has PFS/arthritis. She did look at my removed toenails and measured my scars although it confused her why i had 2 scars connected until I reminded her that one was for the total hip replacement and the other was for the fascitomy after they took a 3 litre blood clot out and she was like Oh you had compartment syndrome as a result of the THR. (which told me right there she read ZERO of the notes before our meeting) but I do also believe she was rather liberal in my range of motions and did not push me much, she tried once or twice but once she felt the spasm's along my back she stopped and just took "my word" on the rest of the motions.

After that I went in for x-rays, this was actually more painful than the physical exam and I had to tell the woman to stop for a minute and bring me tissues as I was in tears.

Also the original doctor tried counseling me on rather I was addicted to my pain pills or not because I was sweaty/clamy. I told her It is certainly possible there is a physical addiction after 2+ years on Ultram and Lortab but i routinely make sure that my pain manager does not increase my dosage and I only take enough to keep at a "functional level" of pain. She asked if I took all of the medication I was prescribed, I told her I take all the lyrica and celebrex a month, and I take at least 3 of the 4 lortab a day and 2-3 of the ultram and at the end of the month any extras get disposed of by the base drop box. that seemed to clear her conscious a bit. She also let me explain that I had just had a neck epidural last week and that my ROM may be a bit better than normal as a result.

She did not ask me about my headaches or any of the minor stuff except the frequent urination, She asked if I knew what caused it. I told her- neuro doc thinks its the spine condition, urologist thinks is the scars from all the catheters, and I think they are both right mixed with all the pills I am on including the narcotics and the heart pills/diuretics. She agreed with me and put that down.

Overall, i felt like besides the range of motion issues, it was more of a lie detector test and had nothing to do with the long history of records etc all submitted and supposed to be reviewed by them. I am fairly certain all my answers were the same or similar to the questionnaire, but just for a heads up. when filling out forms etc. do not put down anything that is not second nature and real, do not exaggerate or embellish. give the facts and stick to them.

18 nov 11-Right total hip
05 jan 12- Right thigh emergency surgery
10 mar12- Returned to 4 hour duty days
17 sep 12-Officially referred to MEB
06 mar 13-commanders letter requested
19 mar 13- CC letter completed
29 mar 13- New imagine showing 2 bad cervical discs and absolute spinal stenosis/bad right knee
22 Apr 13- First meeting with PEBLO
01 may13-VA MSC 24 claimed conditions
14 jun 13- QTC appointments complete
28 jun 13- NARSUM complete ( with errors)
2 Jul 13- Filed IMR/LOEfor NARSUM
10 Jul 13-New NARSUM with 2/3 requested conditions added/instantly signed and submitted LOE
15 Jul-13 due to sequester plus typo's that needed correction package submitted to IPEB
5 Aug-13-surgery for left hip due to collapse after THR complications+ongoing FAI issues ( I beat tricare)
16 Sep return from con leave
18 Sep officially found unfit and package forwarded to providence for rating consideration.
20 FEB 14- Recieved ratings of 60 DoD 90 VA-plan to file formal and VARR while in to correct clear errors
20 FEB 14-recieved notification SSDI was approved without going to court via an OTR request by lawyer
16 APR 14-recieved notification of judges decision for winning SSDI
18 APR 14- started permissive/terminal until 28 may/29 may official retirement