The Companies Act, 2015

The Companies Act, 2015 (the Act) was published in September 2015, but most of it, especially those sections relating to accounting, reporting, and audit were not brought into force until 15th June 2016. The Act contained transitional provisions including one that financial statements for accounting periods beginning before these sections were brought into force should continue to comply with the provisions of the previous Companies Act. As a result, we have seen little impact on companies’ annual reports, but such reports for periods ending on or after 30th June 2017 will have to comply with all aspects of the Act. Accompanying this newsletter are copies of our specimen financial statements for private companies complying either with full IFRS or the IFRS for SMEs. These illustrate financial statements for the year ending 31st December 2017, but would equally apply to years ending between 30th June 2017 and 31st December 2017, except for some minor changes to full IFRS that only become effective for periods commencing on or after 1st January 2017. We have also summarised below the main changes brought about by the Act relevant to financial statements and directors’ reports.

Directors’ Reports

As before, directors are required to prepare a report to accompany the financial statements of a company, but there are now additional requirements regarding the contents of the report, including: