Baldwin game design document example

General Documents

Eidos Game Submission Checklist - What one publisher is looking for in a proposal.

Proposals and Concept Documents

Chaser 2 - A game concept document.
Amazing Adventure Proposal - A game proposal.
Power Babes Proposal - A game proposal.

Game Design Documents

Baldwin Game Design Document Template - A template to help develop a game design document.
Chris Taylor Game Design Document Template - Another game design document template by Chris Taylor.
Catalyst Wars - An example Game Design Document
Sub Hunter - An example GDD.
Doom Bible - The Doom Game Design Document
Project Chesterfield - Another Game Design Document
SPECTAC: Overflow - Still another GDD.

Other Planning Documents

A Music Design Document - The music 'design document' written by Joss Whedon for his movie Serenity. It's a great example on how a designer (or director) can communicate to his composer.